Erdflöhe im Gemüse mit Nematoden bekämpfen

Control flea beetle with nematodes

In our garden beds, the corrugated striped cabbage flea (Phyllotreta undulata) is the most common. It belongs to the leaf beetle family. It is named after the yellow stripes on its wing covers and its specially designed jumping legs that enable it to leap up like a flea. It is about 1.5 - 3 mm in size.

Its larvae are white and about 4 mm in size.

nema-care® against flea beetle

nema-care® contains nematodes of the genus Steinernema, which are specialised, among other things, in the control of flea beetle. They penetrate the larvae and fight them by secreting a special bacterium there.

On which plants are flea beetle found?

Affected are cabbage plants such as arugula, cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, radishes, broccoli, kohlrabi and other cruciferous vegetables.